Walls & Birds

Walls & Birds - Rule & Line

tom: A

A E That helpless pieces of the game he plays A upon this chequer board of nights and days E D hither and tither moves and cheecks and slays A E A and, one by one back in the closet lays A E The Ball no question makes of Aye’s and No’s A but here or there as strikes the player goes A E and he that tossed you down into the field A F#m A he knows about it all, he knows she knows And that inverted bowl we call the sky whereunder crawling cooped we live and die lift not your hands to it for help - for it as impatiently moves you or I The wordly hope men set their hearts upon turns ashes or it prospers and anon like snow upon the deserts dusty face lighting a little hour ot two is gone D For is and is not A F#m through with rule and line E D and up and down by A F#m logic I define